Check out all the HaynesPro WorkshopData updates for Q1 2022 truckset.
18 new Car models
New repair manual topic
We have added a new repair manual topic for Trucks: Ancillary drive belt removal/installation. Almost 4000 types have received this repair manual in our first big release.

Now available: Jacking points
As indicated in the previous newsletter, we have added many new Jacking point drawings, for 1163 truck types in total.

New Truck types added to:
DAF CF (F7 BH) 2017-MAN TGS 2019-MAN TGX 2019-MAN TGS 2006-MAN TGX 2006-MITSUBISHI Canter 2011-CANIA G 2017-SCANIA L 2017-SCANIA P 2017-SCANIA R 2016-SCANIA R 2004-2016.
WorkshopData™ Tech
- Maintenance: 92 truck types
- Adjustment data: 92 truck types
- Repair times: 174 truck types
- Technical drawings: 175 vehicle types (154 for axle components)
- Service indicator reset procedures: 77 truck types
- TPMS procedures: 77 truck types
- Clutch: removal/installation manuals: 8 truck types
- Valve clearance setting manuals: 343 truck types
- Injector: removal/installation/setting: 387 truck types
- Cylinder head: removal/installation: 434 truck types
- Turbochargers: removal/installation: 805 truck types
- Ancillary drive belt: removal/installation: 3908 truck types
- Jacking and lifting points: 1163 truck types
WorkshopData™ Electronics
- Engine Management diagrams: 202 truck types
- ABS and Stability diagrams: 83 truck types
- Electronically Controlled Air Suspension (ECAS) diagrams: 108 truck types
- Fuses and relays: 199 truck types
- Ground point locations: 135 truck types
- OBD connector locations: 227 truck types
- Fleet Management System (FMS) Connector: 87 truck types
No new SmartCASE™ Bulletins
(the bulletin total is 8, covering 3223 types)
- 2 new truck types with SmartCASE™ bulletins
28 new Technical Service Bulletins
(the bulletin total is 914, covering 12486 types)
- 67 new truck types with Technical Service Bulletins
15 new Recalls
(the recall bulletin total is now 342, covering 10896 types)
- 221 new truck types with Recalls
You can try out all the features of HaynesPro for the 1st quarter of 2022 Q1 WorkshopData truckset for 7 days free of charge and without obligation: